Monday, 9 September 2013

Toe Injuries And Karate

I don't want to cover the obvious here - toe nail injuries or fractures from blunt trauma. Unfortunately broken toes are quite common and there seems to be little to recommend other than wear protection, improve your technique and get faster! I'd like to cover two forms of injury I've had in the last 3 months. Firstly, turf toe - this is straightforward sprain of the ligaments abound the big toe, usually when the joint get stretched beyond it's normal range of movement. Usually, it's a sudden impact thing (at least it was for me) accompanied by bruising and immediate pain and restriction of movement which gradually subsides over weeks. The usual management - rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE).

The problem I currently have is a little more insidious - sesamoiditis. Never heard of it? Well if you have big toe pain, close to the ball of your foot and more on the inside (medial surface) which you can press to induce pain, this may be what you have.

It may not come on suddenly and can creep up on you. Sesamoids are bones within tendons and there are two within the big toe joint to act as pulleys to allow the joint to be extended and flexed with ease. If repetitive use and unaccustomed use triggers inflammation in this region you have sesamoiditis. The same RICE treatment applies, but add in shoe pads and no high heeled shoes - how boring!

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