Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Kata - Not Really Getting The Detail

I like kata. The problem with karate classes from my point of view is that it's easy to get stuck focusing on just the moves of the kata. I find this in my class, particularly as a beginner. In addition to the 5 Pinan katas which I know pretty well, I reliably know the moves to 2 advanced katas - Bassai Dai and Annan and intermittently know / forget 2 others - Matsumura Rohai and Seienchin. This is because I don't do enough practice. When it comes to kata practice I believe that on a non-class day even bad practice ie just walking through the moves in front of the TV is better than doing nothing - at least you remember the moves! My Sensei would be horrified! Despite this sometimes the TV or life wins completely and no practice gets done.
However, the numerous higher grades that make up the class know loads of katas, so it's easy to understand why the Sensei will go over 5-10 in the last 40 minutes of a class for the benefit of various individuals who are grading soon or doing a competition. But I can't learn them that fast, indeed it would be useless to try so many at my stage, so like others at my level, I sit out those I can't do (usually glad of the rest). Occasionally we'll go over one in really good detail and get a chance to learn it, but then it's back to making a fortnightly or monthly appearance. It's amazing how long it takes to learn a kata and how fast it is to forget it!

Separate kata classes would help, but most students prefer sparring and the bottom line it that for my club not enough students would attend to justify keeping a kata class running. Perhaps time will help and I will gradually learn more and more, but kata is not just about knowing the moves, it's about defeating opponents. 

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