Monday, 12 November 2012


Combinations are are a set pattern of moves referred to by number, e.g., combination 1a; step in, punch to the face and thrust. Combination 1b - as per 1a, but with the punch performed balancing on one leg for reasons that aren't clear. So it goes on up to ten and beyond. I can't remember these. I have improved a little; I can now remember them for the class, but not by the time the next class comes around. Even by the time I get home I've forgotten. This has brought out the student in me and I've surfed the internet (u-tube mostly) in an attempt to find them demonstrated clearly by number. Unfortunately, just as karate is only one martial art, there are also different styles of karate. I don't know which one I do which is not helping the search - I did ask, but I quickly forgot the Japanese reply - but I do know it's not Shotokan. It seems that each style is afflicted by it's own, individual combinations and these continue to remain a secret. To add to my discomfort, the children in the class (the more talented children are allowed into the 'adult' class) pick these up really quickly, effortlessly it seems.

I suppose one expects children's brains to be brighter and faster, but I'm feeling challenged by the other end of the age spectrum. Most the brown and black belts are older - 50 plus, some in their 60's. Obviously, they are highly skilled practitioners of The Art, but what is amazing is how quick they are. Unless I've been doing nothing but drinking alcohol and injecting drugs for the last 20 years, which I haven't, my reflexes should be way faster than theirs, but they're not by a long way. It's amazing what training can do, because these older people defy the normal rules of physiology!

So I'll just have to keep working at it. I enjoy the movements, the combinations and katas. I still don't enjoy the fighting; it feels unnatural and awkward. Perhaps, I am a little fitter, but regardless I'm very glad I'm trying something new.

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